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"Trieste Publishing presents a category of books dedicated to Christian denominations. The division between one denomination and another is primarily determined by doctrine and authority. Questions about the nature of Jesus, salvation, trinitarianism, the authority of apostolic succession, conciliarity, eschatology, and the pope's headship over others can separate one denomination from another. Groups of denominations that often share similar beliefs, customs, and historical ties may be known as “branches of Christianity” or “denominational families” (for example, Eastern or Western Christianity and their branches). These “denominational families” are also often mistakenly referred to as denominations. In this category, we have collected the best books about various Christian denominations. You can check out some of our extensive collection of books below. If you want to learn more about Anglicanism, then we are glad to recommend to you “Principles Of Anglicanism” by Frederick Joseph Kinsman. This book is divided into six articles. The first three lectures are on the principles of Anglicanism, the fourth is on the Principle of Orders, the fifth is on the achievements and failures of Protestantism, and the sixth is a sermon on church unity. Or if you would like to learn more about Catholicism, then we can bring to your attention the book ""What Is Catholicism?"" by Edmond Scherer. If you are interested in the Quaker phenomenon, then Lights and Shadows of Quakerism by Edward Ryder is for you. Neither the Christian community nor the world at large has ever properly investigated the Quaker phenomenon. It was a powerful movement towards freedom of conscience and spirituality in religion - one of those many surges of theistic power that, at different times, forced currents of human thought to flow to higher levels. You can find answers to questions about Quakerism in this book. These books are just a small part of our comprehensive collection dedicated to Christian denominations. Immerse yourself in the comprehensive world of Christianity and spirituality with Trieste Publishing Books. "
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