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Arts & Literature Biographies and Memoirs

In this category of Trieste Publishing Catalogue we collect biographies and memoirs of prominent personalities who have become famous in art and literature.

Paul Gaugin, Sandro Bottichelli, Friedrich Schiller, Heinrich Heine, John Milton, John Keats, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Dante and Virgil, Longfellow, Byron, etc. Here you will find biographies and memoirs of famous artists, painters, poets, writers, sculptors etc.

Biography, as a genre of literature, dates back to antiquity. The genre was distributed in the Middle Ages. For example, St. Augustine created the work "Confession." In the XVII century, several books of an autobiographical nature were published - John Bunyan “Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners”, a little later, "Prelude" by W. Wordsworth.

One of the first writers of the biographical genre in its modern form is considered J.-J. Rousseau with his book “Confession”. Many of Shakespeare’s works tell about famous personalities, which are partly biographical works. In the modern world, writers also pay a lot of attention to this type of literature.

The word memoirs arose in the 17th-18th centuries in France, although back in the Middle Ages the French historians Jean de Joinville, Philippe de Commines, and others described historical events and their participation in them. The number of memoirs written by the courtiers of Louis XIV was in the hundreds.

In the XIX century, the fashion for memoirs acquired the character of an epidemic, only the lazy did not write. Even literature arose that falsified the memories of famous personalities.

Read biographies and memoirs about people of art and literature from Trieste Publishing.

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