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Why do some achieve incredible success, become innovators and luminaries, conquer the world, and others - eventually lost, and never achieved their goals? Maybe it's all about choosing the kind of activity? What then do the second do wrong and, conversely, what is the advantage of the first? In order to find the truth, you do not need to spend hours continuously, put forward and test theories. It is enough to look into history, and the truth will open at once. Virtually everything humanity has today - the result of intellectual work, the hard work of the geniuses of the world's leading corporations. So how do you succeed? The future of your own business may be hidden in the history of life and the activity of famous businessmen. It remains only to find the necessary tips! The best biography books and histories of the world's business luminaries from Trieste Publishing will tell you how to succeed in business and investing. On the example of "great personalities" you can already build your own business, and who knows, maybe one day you will become no less iconic person for the whole world.

This catalog contains bright, informative and motivating books with memoirs, biographies, stories of great or popular businessmen and entrepreneurs. At the heart of most works is the story of a man who managed to create a unique product, earn a fortune, organize a dedicated team of employees and followers, and in some cases even leave a mark in history. Many of them started with a couple of dozen dollars and a small garage, but at the same time clearly saw their ultimate goal and had enough willpower to achieve it. We have something to learn from them. It is worth buying literature with biographies and histories for a wide range of readers: students, managers, middle and senior executives, beginners and experienced entrepreneurs, connoisseurs of works in the publicistic genre, as well as all readers who want to reach new heights and implement their plans.

Trieste Publishing offers you biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, stories of entrepreneurs, businessmen, investors, financiers. Such works allow us to trace in detail the entire path that the heroes had to go before they reached the heights. Where did they start, what made them wake up every day for the same purpose, how did they find the strength to solve everyday problems, what mistakes did they make, and what solutions, on the contrary, became one of the best in their lives? The most valuable thing in this literature: one of the main keys to success - hard work, not luck.

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