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The concept of "business life" has recently acquired special relevance. An increasing number of ambitious and motivated people who are striving to make a career. Already no one is surprised at a person who at a relatively young age successfully moves up the career ladder, is experiencing rapid ups, developing his own projects, and then realizing them.

However, the ease with which some people make careers is actually deceiving. Business life is full of stress, take-offs are accompanied by falls, and sometimes there comes a moment when all that is achieved goes to dust. And a lot of difficulties await on the way to a person’s career.

In this section you will find books on business life from Trieste Publishing. You will learn how not to get lost in the daily bustle of summaries, reports and references, to be able to adapt to business life in order to perceive it not as an annoying inevitability, but as a completely positive fact of existence. Practical advice will certainly help people for whom the phrase "business life" has a very specific meaning.

Business life is a sphere of human activity, which has a number of characteristic features. Business life today and business life in the past. What are the features of business life? What changes have occurred over the past centuries?

Business life is led by a certain circle of people engaged in business, entrepreneurial activity. A businessman is engaged in leadership work, personally interested in the success of the business, energetic, enterprising, initiative. He strives to achieve the best result, has independent economic thinking, is independent in judgments and decision-making, bears full moral and material responsibility for his actions, is able to take risks, lead people and organize their work.

People living in the business world include not only business leaders, but also representatives of such professions as a manager, economist, securities operations specialist, lawyer, insurance agent, real estate agent, etc.

Business life is in the process of constant active development and changes depending on the political, economic and spiritual life of society.

Read business books from Trieste Publishing.

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