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In order for you to be able to confidently cope with tests and exams in a tense environment, we offer you a selection of literature that will help you.

And most importantly, do not forget to prepare properly!

Train! Before tests and exams, you should perform as many tasks as possible - just for the sake of training. This gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with the typical designs of test tasks, as well as gain experience in self-observation and optimal self-regulation during testing.

Hurry up! Train oneself with a stopwatch in hand. Note the time of the tests, limit it.

Skip it! You need to learn to skip difficult or unclear tasks. Remember: there are always tasks that you are sure to handle. It's just unreasonable to lose points just because you didn't get to "your" tasks, but "stuck" on those whose training material is unknown. Of course, such tactics may not always be successful. If the test is built on the principle of "stairs" and begins with easy questions, you should not miss all the first tasks.

Exclude it! Many problems can be solved faster if you do not look for the right answer at once, but consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable.

Think only about the current task! When you see a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. Just think that each new task is a chance to score a rating.

Read the task to the end! Haste should not lead to the fact that you will try to understand the conditions of the task on the "first words" and complete the limb in your imagination. You should not make annoying mistakes in matters.

Don't worry! Even if you think you made too many mistakes and just failed the test or exams, remember that very often this feeling is wrong: when you compare your results with others, it may turn out that others made even more mistakes. As a result, you get if not the highest test score, then quite decent.

Schedule two rounds! Schedule the test time so that you pass all the tasks "in the first round". Then you will be able to return to the difficult tasks that you first had to miss.

Trieste Publishing believes that in this section you will find the necessary literature to help you successfully pass all the tests and exams!

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