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Sports & Outdoors Category

The Trieste Publishing online store is packed with books about sport and outdoor entertainment. We work constantly on updating and expanding the range of products in our catalogue to find you new classic sports literature and entertainment. You can find books on classic sports medicine, fishing for professionals and beginners and branded fishery editions where you can learn the intricacies of the sport. We also have biographies of instructors, coaches and great athletes and popular books on yoga and fitness. The books on yoga are made for beginners and professionals with engaging visual guides and many practical tips to help you enhance your skills.  Yoga helps you achieve a strong spirit, a calm heart and a healthy body. Several highly trained and experienced athletes wrote our fitness books emphasising the theory and science behind maintaining your fitness levels. You can also find muscle and bodybuilding books containing recommendations on nutrition, regimes, schedules of training and motivational programs. By buying a fitness and bodybuilding book you will be contributing to and facilitating your own physical and mental development.

At Trieste Publishing our customers’ requirements are a top priority. Accordingly, we have low prices, favourable promotions, and free delivery when you order three or more books with us in one transaction. You can preview and read reviews of our titles. Trieste Publishing is the convenient, low cost way of buying quality books.

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