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Law Books

The Trieste Publishing catalogue contains many books related to Law including the History and theory of Law, History of Taxes, Property Law & Estate Planning, Criminal Law and International Law.

The Law is a system of regulation of public relations, which is a condition of the nature of man and society, which expresses the freedom of the individual, and which is characterized by normativity, formal certainty in official sources and provision with the possibility of state coercion.

Legal thinking is an understanding of law through the knowledge of its essence and forms of manifestation in society, which involves searching for answers to the question of what is a right, how it is created, what it is and what is the basis of its obligation.

Here are some basic approaches to legal thinking

The School of Natural Law (naturalism) - is based on the idea that all rules of positive law should be based on certain natural human rights, which are inalienable and acquired by a person from the moment of his birth. Representatives of this school believe that the right must necessarily be based on morality, which is the embodiment of natural principles. In turn, morality explains what is right. Representatives: Aristotle, Aquinas, Pufendorf, Locke, Kant.

Legal positivism - this trend is based on the fact that there is no connection between law and morality. Representatives believe the rules are legal, regardless of morality. (Hobbs) There are areas of legal positivism: classic and contemporary positivism.

Sociological Trend - Representatives of this trend have focused on sociological and psychological factors that influence the application of the rules of law in relation to specific life cases. They emphasized the issues of social purpose and the effectiveness of law. Representatives believed that the law was created by courts and other civil servants in the field of law enforcement. Representatives: E. Ehrlich, J. Gurvich, R. Pound, and J. Frank.
Psychological school of law - law is seen as a manifestation of the true essence, the phenomenon of the human psyche, which is influenced by various factors, including the law. That is, law is a set of certain experiences and emotions that reflect real life. Representatives: L. Petrazhitsky.

Marxist doctrine of law - Representatives viewed law as part of a superstructure over the economic basis of society. This basis determines the content of the law. But at this time, law can also have an adverse effect on the economy and society. Representatives: K. Marx, F. Engels.

The Trieste Publishing catalogue has a variety of books available pertaining to legal theorists and practitioners. To preview a book simply click on the button in the listing or click on the cover. If you have any trouble searching for a term please contact our team and we will be happy to assist you.

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