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Education is becoming an increasingly popular trend today: people, regardless of age, time and other circumstances, are engaged in self-development and acquisition of new knowledge. Getting information about the world, historical and modern processes in it is an incredibly interesting activity. Especially if this information is presented in an exciting way. This is how the textbooks and manuals from the Trieste Publishing range are compiled. Thanks to these books, the learning process is not a boring duty, but an interesting journey into the world of science and discovery.

Here you will find textbooks in the fields of education, genealogy, languages ​​and writing. Literature And for professional linguists, and just for those who are interested in learning their native or foreign languages. There is a lot of educational literature for different tastes. Textbooks for different tastes and preferences but always informative and interesting.

In this section, you will find literature for education, reference books, in the fields of genealogy, languages and writing.

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