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Books about hobbies and crafts from Trieste Publishing for those who have a favorite hobby.

Floristics and needlework, dance and floristics, history and art are a drop in the ocean of human interest. There have always been many topics and areas, as well as books that help develop the ability to draw, dance, create masterpieces of art, have fun and spend time with children and family. What could be better than enjoying your favorite thing?

The modern world is changing. Any global trends are reflected in our private lives - embodied in transformations, daily practices, life, motivations and interests. The way we rest today can say a lot about what the world around us is like today. In other words, the challenges and risks we see around us today have a serious impact on where we run away from these risks, and in what occupations, hobbies and leisure we find peace and comfort.

It can be both sports and embroidery. Depending on where a person's energy is currently directed and whether it has the strength and motivation to go "outside". A hobby is our favorite activity, which we do in our free time, at leisure.

When we paint elements of coloring or prepare a non-standard dinner, teach teenagers to play football in the yard or plant flowers on the windowsill, we do not even think about the fact that someone (for example, scientists) is seriously studying the history of hobbies and leisure activities.

Historically, the first surge in the development of the hobby dates back to the years of the Great Depression in America. Why? Historians say that the reason was a sharp decrease in the number of working hours - and, consequently, an increase in the amount of free time in the majority of the working population. The hobby had an advantage because it did not require large expenditures, in contrast to traditional entertainment - trips to the theater or bar, cafe. Today, it is true that many hobbies require serious financial injections (winter sports, for example, or collecting rarities), but let's be fair - most hobbies that can reveal the personality and promote creative development can really be very economical.

Books about hobbies and crafts are a very wide literary segment. After all, we are talking about sports or art publications, albums that satisfy the tastes of the most demanding collector, culinary guides, books on needlework, yoga workshops and more.

Visit Trieste Publishing and dedicate time to the hobbies and crafts section - you may like something new and close to you.

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