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Biographies & Memoirs General Category

This section of Trieste Publishing Catalogue contains biographies and memoirs of famous people. Here you will find stories written by famous people, as well as books written about them by professional journalists and biographers. Memories of successful people tell about significant personalities and historical events. They contain real facts from the lives of idols of millions of people, a detailed description of their destinies, philosophy and circumstances under which they changed the course of history.

Biographies and memoirs should be bought by readers who are passionate about the lives of strong, bright personalities and want to draw inspiration from the wisdom of famous people. As a rule, books about celebrities are written by researchers of their lives and activities and are always dedicated to strong and charismatic people. Character traits, philosophy and worldview, great ideas, incredible life events are the facets of famous, rich and just talented people, which you will learn about in the books of Trieste Publishing.

Folk wisdom says: "A wise man learns from someone else's experience, a fool - from his own." This principle avoids a large number of errors and, consequently, the negative consequences of wrong decisions. Everyone also knows that you need to learn from people who have achieved more than you. After all, what knowledge can a person pass on who has not done even what you have done? Successful people can help you find the inspiration and courage to make your deepest and boldest dreams come true. That's why Trieste Publishing offers memoirs and biographies of people who inspire and teach any reader.

The library of biographies and memoirs is large. Here you can find works about the lives of famous people of different historical epochs. Literature can also be classified according to the field of activity of the main characters. Thus, in the catalog you can choose biographies of successful people who became famous in the field of literature, art, business, military affairs, politics and more. There are hundreds of copies in the range of publications, so everyone will find interesting material. The section presents the works about famous writers and artists of different epochs and periods of human history, from ancient times to the beginning of the last century. Here you can also find military literature. Here are the memoirs and biographies of great generals and privates who became famous for defending the interests of the state. Readers will also find books about politicians, statesmen, entrepreneurs and businessmen, famous women. As a rule, these people had a strong character and an iron will, so they can teach you to be successful.

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