Pizarro, his adventures and conquests
Paperback: 206
Publisher: Trieste Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 9780649002283
Product Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21 inches

Pizarro, his adventures and conquests

George M. Towle

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About the Book

The forthcoming issue of the Heroes of History series told about the bold and successful journey of Vasco da Gama around the Cape of Good Hope to the distant and then little-known regions of Hindustan. This volume takes the young reader to the Western Hemisphere and describes the voyages and conquests of one of the most determined and adventurous captains of any age. Pizarro was a hero with indomitable energy with which he pursued his goal; with the patience with which he endured such terrible adversity that any man has ever faced; with the boldness with which he attacked an empire of millions, a huge and disciplined army, and a handful of souls as determined as himself; and with the energy of genius with which the once conquered Peru, he founded and established Spanish rule over the conquered nation. That he invaded and conquered Peru for reasons of ambition and golden greed is all too true. It is likely that higher motives than these rarely crossed his mind. Like all or almost all the great generals of his time, he did not hesitate to bring widespread chaos among peaceful people, devastate a prosperous land, usurp power to which he had no shadow of a right, and used the means to achieve his goal, which often was barbarously cruel. Then the peoples had the custom of conquering and attacking harmless peoples for the sake of dominion and wealth. Through the conquest of Pizarro, Spain acquired a splendid empire and strengthened itself in South America, thanks to which it gradually extended its power to large parts of this continent; and thus one can at least ascribe to Pizarro having laid the foundations thereof a higher and more permanent civilization than the one he replaced.

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Review by Andy Daniel

Posted on 24.04.2020

The book is very exciting.

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