Marathi-English Second Book
Paperback: 194
Publisher: Trieste Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 9780649643226
Product Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21 inches

Marathi-English Second Book

Ganesh Hari Bhide

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Book description

The author is pleased to offer the public the Second Book of Marathi English. He interprets the extended Maratbi sentence as a simple sentence, which is spoken of in the Marathi English primer, already in front of the public. In each lesson, the grammar rules are listed at the top and explained with one or two examples of Marathi sentences. Below is a selection of different sentences in Marathi and English for translation. Many of these are Marathi idioms and will require more explanation than the rules allow to fully understand their scope. The rules will help the student translate such sentences, but an oral explanation must be obtained from the teacher. Since these books are used by Europeans taking departmental examinations, examination papers for translation from and into Marathi in Modi hieroglyphs are given and constitute the last part of the book. It is hoped that this will help him to get the right idea of what kind of preparation he must undertake in order to pass the exam. Modi-baraksharies are added so that the student can practice writing Modi every day until it comes to Modi's exam papers. In the Primer, words are given at the beginning of each lesson, but after studying the Tutorial, the student must find difficult words from the extensive vocabulary attached at the end. The dictionary contains not only suitable Marathi and English words; but there are many expressions and sentences, the literal translation of which will not work. This vocabulary plan is supposed to be useful for two reasons, namely, it saved space and would require work on the part of the student to make it easier for him to memorize words.

Customer Reviews

Review by Guest

Posted on 05.08.2020

Review by Guest

Posted on 18.06.2019

Review by Jayson Lee

Posted on 14.04.2019

This was a great read for a rainy weekend.

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