The Temptation of Jesus: A Study of Our Lord's Trial in the Wilderness
Paperback: 250
Publisher: Trieste Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 9780649050376
Product Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21 inches

The Temptation of Jesus: A Study of Our Lord's Trial in the Wilderness

A. Morris Stewart

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Book description

In expounding this interpretation of our Lord's temptation in the wilderness, the author's purpose and method are very simple. The goal is to read and use each direction in the gospel narratives so that their obvious facts match the reader's imagination and are easily linked to his experience. Temptation is a great fact that primarily concerns the inner experience of Jesus. The method of this interpretation is nothing more than taking into account this double meaning: on the one hand, those facts that concern our Lord; on the other hand, their narrative sends them to us. Several temptations were discussed in the order of St. Matthew's Gospel, not St. Luke's Gospel. The text omits critical questions and purely theological discussions. Some points that fall under these sections that could not be overlooked are briefly discussed in the notes that can be found in the Appendix.

Customer Reviews

Review by Jiya York

Posted on 25.04.2018

This was very hard for me to read.

Review by Guest

Posted on 01.04.2018

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