James T. Brady
James Topam Brady (April 9, 1815 - February 9, 1869) was an American lawyer. Called "one of the most brilliant of all members of the New York bar," he was born in New York. Brady studied law in his father's practice before he was admitted to the New York College of Lawyers. He is best known for his career as a criminal lawyer, having been involved in numerous high-profile proceedings. He examined fifty-two murder cases and lost only one. Brady died at his home after two strokes and was buried in a family crypt at Old St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York. Brady was born on April 9, 1815 in New York, the oldest son of Irish immigrants Thomas S. Brady and his wife, who first settled in Newark, New Jersey, in 1812. Later, Brady will have seven brothers and sisters. , two boys and five girls. James was the elder brother of Judge John R. Brady. Their father emigrated from Ireland to the United States during the 1812 war and opened a school for boys in New York. John McCloskey, later Cardinal Archbishop of the New York Archdiocese, attended a small school. When James was seven years old, he attended his father's school. In 1831, James's father left teaching to become a lawyer, and he helped his father in his practice and trials. In his father’s office, James studied legal materials tirelessly, and soon led most of the managerial affairs at the firm.