Publisher: Trieste Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 9780649002702
Product Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21 inches
Book description
The reporter for these monologues would have apologized for the frequent re-appearances of Mr. Dooley if he felt that the old gentleman would appreciate an apology on his behalf. But Mr. Dooley does not possess the modesty that is called "an invention to protect against envy" because, unlike one of his distinguished predecessors, who discovered this theory to justify his imperfect but boastful selfishness, he does not recognize such a human flaw as envy. Most of the articles in this collection of sayings of this great and learned man were published in the press in America and England. This explains the fact that they are dealing with topics that have put a lot of pressure on the minds of newspaper readers, statesmen, and taxpayers throughout the year. To these statements were added some obiter dicta on the part of the philosopher, which, perhaps, will have that tinge of recollection that is inherent in the observations of all learned judges when they are not off the bench. In some cases, sketches were redone and steps were taken to correct typographical errors, except when they seemed to improve the text. In this regard, the writer must express his deep gratitude to the hardworking typographer, who often grows out of two jokes where only one grew up before, and who generously exacerbates the troubles of oratory lovers.
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Difficult to read. Impossible to put down.
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