A practical grammar of the Arabic language: with interlineal reading lessons, dialogues and vocabulary
Paperback: 256
Publisher: Trieste Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 9780649076116
Product Dimensions: 6.14 x 9.21 inches

A practical grammar of the Arabic language: with interlineal reading lessons, dialogues and vocabulary

Faris Ash-Shidyaq

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Book description

Faris Al-Shidiac's little practical Arabic grammar was a significant success, as the entire previous edition had been exhausted for some time. He was well-received both in Egypt and in Syria, and he found it useful, both as travelers in these parts, and by other people, whose affairs led them to seek temporary refuge in the East. The small volume of work, together with its practical nature, did not allow the introduction of any elements of Arabic grammar, except for the most necessary ones. The editor, keeping this in mind, tried to keep it simple, although he almost did not increase its volume, he found a place for additional materials that seemed necessary, deleting or reducing where it was justified. Although, however, the book is primarily intended to fill the gap of those who do not think of any significant progress in the language, it is also hoped that it will provide a solid foundation for those who can be encouraged to turn to the more extensive treatise on Arabic grammar. Some points have been cut out in this edition and the work has been revised to make it equally useful for independent study and for the usual way of learning a language with the help of a tutor. The language to which this grammar serves as an introduction is the everyday speech of educated Arabs and can be seen as an intermediate link between the vulgar dialects of Syria and Egypt and the cultural language of Arabic literature.

Customer Reviews

Review by Jasmine Amos

Posted on 30.10.2019

This book was worth the wait, when you read it, you will see why!

Review by Guest

Posted on 25.08.2019

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Posted on 27.03.2018

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